Support the Families of the Nepali Victims

On October 7th, the lives of 11 Nepali families were forever altered when their loved ones were killed or kidnapped from Kibbutz Alumim by Hamas. Now they need your help to survive and recover.

These 11 Nepalese sons were each the first university graduates in their families. They completed their studies with honors and were selected to come to Israel to learn new technologies and experience modern farming practices that they would eventually bring back home.

They were only 20 days into this 11-month program when the attack started.

When they heard the blast of the grenades, they hid in a small shelter with 17 of their friends. However, even the makeshift barricades of rice-bags could not stop the bullets: Ten of these students were killed at close range; one, Bipin, is still missing—kidnapped into the dark tunnels of Hamas in Gaza.

Their families are from small, traditional farming communities who have cultivated the Himalayan terraces of the far west for generations. We cannot mend the broken hearts of each mother and father who lost their child in a foreign land, but we can help these families recover, pick up the pieces, and provide financial support as they deal with their grief.

Even the smallest donation will help.

Thank you for your generosity.


“Threads of Hope” Art Installation in Toronto